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A multitude of multiverse theories

Which multiverse theory is most realistic?
A multitude of multiverse theories

A multitude of ideas about the multiverse exist. It is widely debated which one would be true. What I have found to be some popular theories are an infinite universe, bubble universes, many worlds, and multiverses.

Infinite universe- the infinite universe theory is, as it sounds, that there is one universe, infinitely big. It would have an infinite number of galaxies, solar systems, planets, and presumably life. This theory is not widely believed, however, since nothing we have found has been infinite nor singular in its existence, such as how we believed we were the only planet, then we discovered more planets, then we were the only solar system, then we found more, etc.

Bubble universes- bubble universes would cite the fact that in the very early stages of the universe, trillionths of a second after the big bang, the universe would be expanding so exponentially fast that it doubled in size several million, billion, even trillions of times in a second. And after expanding for x amount of time 99.9 percent of the expansion would slow severely. The point one percent, however, would still be expanding so fast it would be hundreds of times larger than the slower expanding section in less than a second, forming a bubble universe. And multiples of these bubbles could happen and the sudden slowing could cause differences in the laws of physics.

Many worlds- This theory hinges on the Large Hadron Collider Particle Accelerator and the fact that its results show 100% of electrons exist in a location and 100% of electrons exist in another location simultaneously. Using this knowledge it is theorized that many universes or many worlds exist in the same dimensions, with those dimensions being determined by where the electron could be. Based on this theory as many universes could exist equal to as many electrons exist in the universe multiplied by the amount of theoretical positions of said electrons, that means there are a theorized ten to the eighty-second power of atoms in the universe with at least one electron per atom. Assuming an electron could exist in five different locations would equate to five to the eighty-third universes, which written out would be five hundred sexvigintillion

Multiverse- A multiverse: the tried and true classic. Since we used to think earth was the only planet and we found more, then same for the solar system, then galaxies, why would we believe our universe is the only one that exists? With knowledge that other things we thought were singular in the universe weren’t, then it should be said we will find the same about universes to be true. The problem with this theory is that universes act differently than these other objects. Universes how an energy or force that is constantly making them expand, then these universes would overlap. If this happens one of two possibilities could occur:

1. The expanding universes collide with each other and the forces cancel each other out, forming a super strong material, like that is formed by the formation of a gravastar, causing extremely strong, virtually unbreakable barriers between universes preventing inter-universal exploration.
2. The universes overlap with the contents of both being able to collide with each other, which overtime would make all universes appear as one, leading to the infinite universe theory.

With this knowledge of the different theories, what do I think is the most realistic? I personally believe a Multiverse is most likely. Assuming there are many universes I would presume  they are googols or even googolplexs of light-years apart, in which case they would not expand fast enough to collide anytime soon. This also means that we would not be able to travel to other universes because the universe expands at a rate faster then light, and light speed can not be surpassed by physical means.

I believe to travel to other universes in this scenario we’d have to travel through wormholes, which I believe could appear just as rips in space-time, or I believe to be more likely, black holes singularity would transport you to a proclaimed white hole in another universe, which would throw matter and light away from its singularity opposite. Back to the expansion, I believe when two universes are to collide they would form the super strong shell.

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