Monday, Jan 13:
The week will start off with a Senior Night! The Corry Girls Basketball team will have their Senior night. Starting at 7 pm, against Ft. Leboeuf.
4:00- Boys Freshman Basketball at Mercyhurst Prep.
4:00- Boys 8th Basketball home against North East.
5:15- Boys 7th Basketball home against North East.
6:00- Girls and Boys Varsity Swimming home against Fairview.
Tuesday, Jan 14:
4:00- Boys Freshman Basketball at General Mclane.
4:00- Boys 8th Basketball at General Mclane.
5:15- Boys 7th Basketball at General Mclane.
6:00- Boys JV Basketball home against Franklin.
6:30- Boys JV Wrestling at Youngsville.
6:00- Boys MS Wrestling at Youngsville.
6:00- Girls JV Basketball at Girard.
7:00- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Youngsville.
7:30- Boys Varsity Basketball at Franklin.
Wednesday, Jan 15:
6:00- Boys MS Wrestling at Eisenhower.
6:30- Boys JV Wrestling at Eisenhower.
7:00- Boys Varsity Wrestling at Eisenhower.
Thursday, Jan 16:
6:00- Girls JV Basketball at Fairview.
6:00- Girls and Boys Varsity Swimming at Harbor Creek.
7:30- Girls Varsity Basketball.
There is a Coed Varsity Unified Indoor Bocce match at 3:30 against Maplewood in the Cafeteria.
Friday, Jan 17:
4:00- Boys 8th Basketball at Ft. Leboeuf.
4:00- Boys Freshman Basketball at Ft. Leboeuf.
5:15- Boys 7th Basketball at Ft. Leboeuf.
5:30- Girls JV Basketball at North East.
6:00- Boys JV Basketball at Titusville.
Saturday, Jan 18:
There will be a Corry Team Duals wrestling tournament hosted at the high school this weekend. Matches will start at 8 am.
9:30- Boys Varsity Swimming away at the Iroquois Invitational.
9:30- Boys Middle School Wrestling away at the Union City JH Wrestling Invitational.
8:30 pm- Girls Varsity Wrestling away at Sharpsville Girls Wrestling Tournament.