“New Girl” is an American television sitcom created by Elizabeth Meriwether and produced by 20th Century Fox Television for Fox that aired from September 20, 2011, to May 15, 2018. I discovered this show by watching it on Peacock and I have been in love ever since. This show is about a girl whose name is Jess played by Zooey Deschanel and she is going through a breakup and needs to find a new place to live. She comes across this apartment with three other roommates and the rest is history. Each episode deals with life, relationships, careers changing, dealing with reality struggles, and is just full of different emotions. This show can make you cry, make you feel serious, or just make you have a good laugh.
If you were to ask me my favorite character it would be hard for me to answer because they all play a great role. In my opinion I would choose Jake Johnson who plays Nick Miller in the show. I picked him because he just stands out in every episode in my eyes and he has got to be the funniest one as well.
Nick Miller is a man who wanted to be a lawyer but did not finish law school and now owns a bar, which he loves dearly. That represents a lot of memories there and many famous scenes happen in that bar. He struggles through break ups and the motivation to write his book but he got it done eventually.
Another reason for liking Nick Miller is because even though he may not be the richest, he is a funny man and a great friend who is there for everyone of his roommates through thick and thin. Like being there for Jess he falls in love with her when they were friends and they go through so much together and the bond they have is my favorite.
Overall, I would recommend this show for people to watch and I would also like to say that Nick miller is the best character because of his funny personality and his attentiveness to all of his friends.