After one hour in the guard tower, they started to think that they were safe. After everyone was going to sleep a kid told their parents that they heard a weird noise. So the dad got up and went to look out the windows. They didn’t see anything. The dad told the kid that he was probably imagining the sounds. But just in case, he will inform the police that he heard something. On the way to the station he heard the noise softly. He instead decided to go back to the house to have the kid walk with him, but when he got home he realized that the kid was gone. He panicked and sprinted over towards the police station.
All out of breath, he told the police as fast as he could that his kid is missing. Then the “police officers” who weren’t police officers ducked under the table and when he stood up he was one of the aliens who was able to disguise himself as someone else. Once again as he started to get his breath back he started to sprint out the station and tried to inform what’s left of the neighborhood that they need to evacuate now. He picked up a group of people and they all went to the store to get supplies; self defense weapons, food and drinks. The only they could find were baseball bats. They each grabbed a bat and were ready to evacuate.
As they were leaving the town, they grabbed any others that they could find. As they were leaving, all the emergency services were helping them leave and trying to get rid of the creatures. Once they got to a safe place they all checked into a hotel and turned on the news. After a few hours, as they were all sleeping, one of the people that they left with came in and woke everyone up and said that they got one of the creatures and are trying to identify it.
After a long time of identifying it they found a similar thing happened back in the 1800s where it turned out that they aren’t trying to be mean and destructive, they were just scared creatures that fell out of space and were naturally destructive.