In the tiny town of Pine Hollow, Lucy and her grandfather decorated their tree every Christmas Eve. Each ornament told a story, but none was as special as the star-shaped glass ornament her grandmother had given them years ago.
This year, as they unpacked the decorations, Lucy couldn’t find the star. “It has to be here”, she insisted, rummaging through the old box.
Her grandfather smiled softly. ” Sometimes things turn up when you least expect it.”
Disheartened, Lucy joined her grandfather in trimming the tree. As night fell, she wandered outside, the snow crunching under her boots. The moonlight glittered off the icicles dangling from the trees.
Then, something caught her eye. Hanging from a low branch of a pine tree was the glass star, shining as if lit from within. Lucy gasped and carefully retrieved it, her breath misting in the cold air. “Grandpa!” she called, running back inside.
Her grandfather chuckled when he saw it. “Looks like your grandmother wanted us to find it in a special way this year.”
Together, they placed the star atop the tree, and for a moment, it felt like Grandma was there with them.