These are some things you might and do need while out hunting in these cold temperatures, not only so you can be prepared but so you can stay safe.
1. – A first aid kit
The reason why I picked a first aid kit is because you can never be too safe. Having a first aid kit can help in many ways like if you have a open cuts or you get injured.
2. – Water proof boots with insulation so you can have warm dry feet
While hunting you might not know what are in the woods like creeks or mud puddles so while you come across these parts you’d want to have dry warm feet.
3. – Snacks and water to keep you hydrated
Some people might have low sugar and need something to get you the sugar you need. Plus, it’s not good for you to not eat.
4. – Layers of clothing so you’re not freezing
Having many layers can help in many ways. Having many layer prevents you from getting cold and wet. Being wet and cold can lead to getting sick and everyone hates being sick.
5. – Orange clothing and some camouflage
Wearing these colors can help you be safe and not in trouble. Wearing these colors symbolize that you are a hunter and the camouflage helps deer not think you’re a hunter and that you are just part of the woods.
6. – Doe and buck tags
Having these tags let people know that you got that deer and it was legal.
7. – Rope
Bringing rope out with you hunting will help you drag the deer that you got so its easier.
8. – Wet wipes
Having wet wipes can help you stay nice and clean all day no matter how many nasty things you touch out there.
9. – Hot hands
Hot hands help you stay nice and warm. You can put them in your gloves or your boots to keep your feet nice and warm.
10. – Extra socks
You can bring these to keep your feet dry if they get wet.