“Castle” is a mystery/comedy-drama series that follows Richard Castle, a famous mystery novelist, who teams up with NYPD detective Kate Beckett to solve unusual crimes. The show blends humor, romance, and suspense as Castle uses his creative thinking and storytelling skills to help Beckett solve cases, while also drawing inspiration for his novels from their adventures.
The main characters are Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Kate Beckett (Stana Katic). There are also other characters that are featured quite often but the show is focused on them. Some of the other characters are, Alexis Castle, Richard’s daughter (Molly Quinn); Martha Rodgers, Richard’s mother (Susan Sullivan); Javier Esposito, one of the other police officers (Jon Huertas); Kevin Ryan, a police officer that works with them (Seamus Dever); and also the other people that worked in the police department but they are not as important as them.
There is plenty of suspense throughout the series. There are eight seasons and 173 episodes in total. The show isn’t for children, it is for adults. In every episode there is a new case that they have to solve, they always feature intriguing twists, blending mystery, drama, and humor. It also has quite a bit of character development throughout the series when they figure things out about each other that they have never known. Castle partners up with Beckett for inspiration and to help solve crimes. The other characters that work with them add a lot of depth and variety to the story and make it more fun to watch. “Castle” is known for its witty dialogue, engaging characters, and the evolving dynamic between Castle and Beckett, making it a captivating series to watch.
I like the romance in the series and the humor. It’s one of my favorite series to watch and I always go for it. It’s the perfect amount of comedy and mystery for my likings. I also like that you can tell how much the characters get along and how much they care for each other. There are a couple of episodes that I don’t really like that much because I don’t like what happens in them, but that’s just my personal preference. My personal favorite is season six episode 11, I like that one the most because there is so much suspense and you don’t know how it will end. The ending of it was also amazing and I loved the way that episode ended.
There’s not really anything that I don’t like about the series it’s a very good show and I like everything about it. I would definitely recommend this show to mature teenagers or adults but nobody below the age of ten.
My rating is: 5/5
Year of release: 2009