Christmas is a top notch holiday following Halloween, so I wanted to say why it is so important and the joys it really brings. Although it can be a chilly holiday, it still brings many fun, wonderful memories like sledding, snowball fights, family pictures, and many more great times. I chose to write about this topic because it is soon to come and I am so excited to receive and give gifts away from under the tree. Also, to visit many spots like a light show that really captivates the joy of all makes it special.
- “Caroling”- I chose this to be the best one because it gives us the opportunity to get together with loved ones to sing your favorite tunes while also giving praise to neighbors and anyone in general around a Christmas tree, a fire, a piano, etc. There are many ways to carol and that is what I love most about this tradition.
- “Gift wrapping/ Gift giving”- I chose this as the next best tradition because this is a way to not only make kids and parents happy it gives us joy and the happiness when we see smiles as people open their gifts on Christmas day. This is also a celebration to say thank you for everything and to Saint Nick.
- “Baking Cookies/ Gingerbread House making”- Having dandy treats is a major tradition in my top list because it gives us warmth as people and it also makes our sweet tooth happy during the holidays. Baking cookies is a way to celebrate and try out new ingredients which is a fun thing for me. Russian cookies will be my favorite because my aunt makes them special for me each year.
- “Drinking Hot Chocolate”- Choosing this as the seventh spot was easy because what goes best with cookies is a nice warm cup of hot chocolate because when it is cold it is nice to have something to warm you up so you’re not cold. It will always be a delicious delight for many. Especially when you gather by a bonfire with a nice cup of joy.
- “Christmas Tree Decorating”- I put this as the sixth best Christmas tradition because it has been in my family for generations where you receive special made ornaments starting as a baby up until you are eighteen, sadly this will be my last year receiving one, but it still brings me much joy to spend time lighting up the tree with lights and garland
- “Letters towards Santa/Card Making”- I Decided to put this in the middle because it is very important to make sure that kids are sending their wishes to Santa, but also when sending out cards with distant relatives it shows that you still care about them and it means you wish the best for them even if they cannot attend Christmas traditions. It also provides a chance for individuals to remind each other of the beauty and the reason for the season.
- “Playing In The Snow”- I chose this as fourth spot because it is not one my top favorites because I dislike getting frostbite and the chills with a runny nose, but I also see this as really getting in-depth with your kid self when playing outside because you can be creative and make anything you want in the snow including the typical snowman, igloo, and fight hills.
- “Elf on the Shelf”- I know placing this in a low spot can be tricky for some people, but in my family we didn’t always have an elf on the shelf, but I know I used to have one when I was little and he sure was a trickster that did crazy pranks. That is what makes Christmas so special for me as a child. Your personal elf would always be watching over you.
- “Christmas Advent Calendar”- I placed this in this spot because I know they are becoming more and more popular all over the world coming from social media and I put this here because this isn’t really celebrating Christmas in the way it should. It is nice to receive something out of it for the month, but there are better ways to spend your days.
- “Making Eggnog”- I placed this one as the least important out of the entire list because kids don’t usually make this and it is usually for adults to enjoy and drink as a special beverage. I do know that it makes Christmas feel more luxurious in a sense of richness and brings good cheer for the holiday more so than any belief in impending wealth. I have tried it once and I might add it was not that bad.