“Outer Banks” is a Netflix award-winning show jammed pack with a lot of action and heartfelt scenes. This show is where the main character, John B invites his friends JJ, Kiara, Sarah, and Pope on a dangerous journey to find lost treasure connected to his father’s disappearance. This group of teenage friends face many challenges and obstacles while on this risky adventure. Along the way another girl named Cleo tags along after helping them. Throughout this show, we get to see these characters’ amazing personalities shine through.
If you asked me who my favorite character would be, that is a tough decision. However, after considering my options, I would have to choose JJ Maybank, and this is for many reasons.
First, he is very loyal to his friends. This is because he has had many chances where not being on his friends’ side would make his life a whole lot easier, however, every single time this opportunity pops up he always sticks up for his friends and helps them with anything they need. For example, he saved his friends’ lives many times, which could be deadly and dangerous for him, but he does it anyway because they are the only things he has.
Another reason JJ is my favorite character is because he is really funny. For example, JJ can always make his friends and audience laugh no matter how intense or dangerous a scene is.
My third reason is that he has a lot of family problems regarding his father, however, he remains happy and humorous no matter the situation. He only shows his angry side very rarely and when he does the anger is reasonable with the place that he is in.
Overall, JJ is the best “Outer Banks” character because of his amazing personality and his loyalty.