If you haven’t already, be sure to read Part One of this story before you continue!
The main thing we sell at our stand is usually just plain old lemonade, but this year we have something new and exciting to sell.
My mom is the type of person that always goes to yard sales in the summer. A few weeks ago, she found something that was sure to help our stand become more popular: a snow cone machine. Snow cones are the perfect way to cool down on a hot summer day, so she knew we would be so excited when she brought it home. She told us that she would pay half of the money for it and we had to pay her back the other half and buy the flavors. Luckily, Mia and I had been saving our money all year for our stand so it wasn’t an issue.
I did a poll at school and around our neighborhood on people’s favorite snow cone flavors and Mia and I decided on four flavors based on the results: grape, cherry, blue raspberry, and strawberry. Many people were very excited to hear about local snow cones.
As summer was drawing closer, I met up with Mia one day after school to walk to our mom’s shop together. Mia told me something really surprising:
“Phil told my teacher that his mom and dad went to the hospital last night.”
“Why?” I questioned. I was worried because they were expecting a baby, but I knew it wasn’t time for it to be born yet.
“He said his mom was having the baby, but my teacher seemed worried. Why would she be worried Gabby?” Mia asked me.
“Well I don’t think it was time for her to have the baby yet,” I tried to explain.
“So what’s going to happen to the baby?” she asked me with concern on her face.
“I’m not sure, but if they don’t have enough time to develop, the baby might have some health issues,” I tried to tell her.
When we got to our mom’s shop, we asked her about it and she told us that the baby had been born and it was a boy, but it was born really early and needed a lot of extra care. She also explained that the baby needed to have surgery on his heart because it hadn’t fully developed and he would likely need more surgeries in the future. Once I heard this I knew exactly what we had to do.
With a few days left until summer, Mia and I officially decided that the money we are able to make from our stand would go towards Phil and Greg’s little brother’s surgery. We knew that if we were going to raise a lot of money we would need to advertise, so our mom helped us put an ad in the newspaper explaining where our profits would be going and we made some fliers to put around the town.
Come back for Part Three to find out what happens next!