Do you think you know the school staff? Last year, I described a teacher, what they liked and disliked, their hobbies and personal preferences, and at the end readers guessed who the teacher was. Two weeks later, the results were posted and 68% of readers got it correct. This year, I’m doing it again with a different teacher. Let’s test your knowledge on the Corry High staff. Feel free to check back in two weeks to see if your guess is correct, good luck reader!
This CAMHS teacher has taught many years in Corry. They are originally from Sugar Grove, and went to school at Eisenhower High. This teacher then went on to go to Jamestown Community College, and then to Edinboro University. Throughout high school this person always knew that they wanted to teach because it would leave them with a nice schedule for family time. Though they love their job, their second choice would be wedding planning.
Growing up, this teacher had two siblings. One older sister, and one younger brother. Throughout their life they have played softball, volleyball, and were on a bowling team. A character this person most relates to is Beverly from “The Goldbergs.” A day in their life is to wake up early, do some yoga, go to work, go home and touch base with their family, eat dinner, and they are up for anything after. One of the craziest things that has happened to them on the job is when they had to tell a colleague that their pants were ripped right down the middle.
If this mystery teacher could go anywhere for vacation, it would be Hawaii because it is beautiful and they love the sun. Their favorite thing to do on vacation is explore. This person’s idea of a perfect day is any time with family and friends. For upcoming vacation days, they plan on hosting Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday shopping, and putting up Christmas decor. Though this teacher loves their job, some days can be extra hard. Their favorite way to unwind after a hectic day is walking or laying out in the sun. For a comfort movie genre, they enjoy watching movies with a happy ending.
There are many fun facts about this mystery teacher. Their favorite place to shop is Maurice’s, favorite board game is Scrabble, favorite author is Nicholas Sparks, favorite movie is “Just Go With It,” and favorite color is pink. If they could eat one food for the rest of their life it would be pizza. “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi is their go to karaoke song. One thing on this person’s bucket list is a jet car drag race.
Through their eyes, if they were to match their personality to an animal it would be a dog because they are ever faithful. If there was a movie made about this Teacher’s life, they would cast Jamie Lee Curtis to play them. One thing that they like to do is get up early in the morning and drink coffee while everyone else is still asleep. Some qualities that they look for in people are honesty, friendliness, and an adventurous spirit. If this person could have three wishes granted, their wishes would be that all people with mental health issues receive the support they need, people learn to respect others’ opinions, and that people learn to take care of each other. A piece of wise advice our mystery teacher would like to give us is, “Embrace who you are and respect who others are.”
Do you think you know this teacher? Vote below: