Celebrities have been around for a very long time, originating from the 1500s and continuing through 2024. They have been known to have the power and importance to influence people, whether it be shaping a public opinion, promoting trends, and bringing in attention to various causes. In today’s world having a favorite celebrity is a common thing among people. This is because people may consider celebrities as role models, inspirational figures, and as a sense of comfort who inspires them to work hard toward their goals. This topic has piqued my interest, so I decided to ask a variety of students and teachers who their favorite celebrity is.
Madison Deutsch: Michael B Jordan
Kenzie Fralick: Olivia Rodrigo
Sydney Weiss: John Cena
Penny Wright:: Marilyn Monroe
Lauren Brundage: Adam Sandler
Sadie Swartzfager: Beyonce
Mr. Silka: Adam Sandler
Mr. Tucci: Tom Brady
Mr. Brumagin: Peyton Manning
Mr. Brady: Mr. Brumagin
Mrs. DePaul: Will Ferrell
Mr. Coates: Jose Ramirez
Jacee Eastman: Straykids
Chaz Bird: David Howard Thornton
Katy Shrout: Drake
Leah Mitchell: Michael B Jordan
Gabe Davis: Albert Einstein
Kerah Groves: Frank Ocean
Andrea Deffenbaugh: Chappell Roan
Lucy Hasbrouk: Zach Bryan
Allison Swanson: Jungkook
Lilly Amy: Nicholas Galitzine
Mr. Sposato: Tom Hanks
Mrs. Frisina: Jesse Williams