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My top 10 best self-care techniques

My top 10 best self-care techniques

During busy times it is very important to check up on yourself and your well-being. There are many different ways to relax, take a step back and just enjoy the moment you’re in. Personally, I thrive on my self-care. At least every week I make it a point to set aside time to rejuvenate and take care of my physical and mental health. These 10 techniques that I use help me to feel and be the best that I can. Hopefully some of these may come in handy to any reader looking for ways to feel great.

10. Bake

I love to bake after a long, stressful week. It keeps me somewhat busy and makes the house smell delicious, not to mention the yummy desserts that I get to eat. The only problem is that I don’t always have time or resources to bake. Also, too many desserts can make you feel sick and not good about yourself.

9. Have a long chat with someone you love

Talking with someone I love definitely helps me so much. It’s so nice to have a calm, deep conversation with someone who understands you and loves you. Personally, when I want to do self-care and take care of my wellbeing, I usually choose to do things alone. I do this to spend time with just myself, and to be able to self evaluate and figure out what I truly need. Even though I usually do things alone, sometimes really all I need is to be around someone I love and I automatically feel better.

8. Take a nap

I am usually not a big napper, but sometimes just a nap can make me feel so much better. When I take a nap it rejuvenates my mind and body so much. I wake up feeling motivated to get things done.

7.  Wake up early

This one I do almost every weekday. I love to wake up early to thoroughly enjoy each part of my getting ready routine. It allows me to take more time to enjoy and appreciate each thing I do. Waking up early also allows me to be precise and specific in what I do to ensure that I get everything done and am prepared for the day.

6. Focus on skincare

Skincare always leaves me feeling fresh and clean, but I especially like to try new things aside from my daily routine. Some of the things I like to do are facemasks, pore strips, dermaplaning and using a guasha or facial roller.

5. Bible study

I love to study the Bible when I need a pick me up. It guides me in my decisions and makes me feel so secure. His word makes me want to be a better person and helps me to map out how to become that better person.

4. Clean your room

Cleaning my room usually is the most calming thing for me. I love to reorganize and make it look and smell good. I always put on a comfort show or music so I can just vibe with the music and my thoughts. After I get done I feel so accomplished and good about myself.

3. Take an “everything shower”

Everything showers are the best. They make me smell and feel so clean afterwards. When I do an everything showers I like to deeply shampoo my hair by using a silicone shampoo brush, condition with a soft hair mask. While the mask sits I use a good-smelling body scrub, shave and use a body wash overtop.

2. Listen to music

For me, music is always the solution. For almost every situation, there is a song that goes perfectly for it. It doesn’t take up too much time and you can listen to it while doing other things. Music mean so much to me and I don’t know what I would do without it.

1. Do your nails

The most therapeutic thing I can do is my nails. I love to watch a movie or listen to music as I work on them. It relaxes me so much and I get to be creative and original with what I do. I could spend hours on end just sitting there doing my nails and I would love it.


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