In the fifth episode of the Fallout series, “The Past,” we’re served a slice of life that’s as rich and unexpected as a cheesecake in the Wasteland. So, strap on all five of your fingers and don’t lose them!
Our episode kicks off with Lucy and Maximus forming an unlikely alliance, much like nails sticking together in a toolbox. They’re both after Dr. Wilzig’s head, but their journey is about to get as bumpy as you’d think: catching Knight Titus’s brand new replacement squire for the head is no easy task without a fusion core!
Vault 33: Democracy or Democrazy? Back in Vault 33, an election is stirring up more secrets than a Vault-Tec experiment. Betty takes the overseer’s seat, and it’s clear she’s got more plans than just rearranging the furniture. Almost like she’s from somewhere none of the audience has seen yet…
Maximus’ charade as Knight Titus comes crashing down like a Super Sledge on a radroach. Thaddeus, his squire, turns on him, leaving Maximus trapped in his power armor as if it were a tin can—and not the kind you find cram in. The one filled with a guy regretting his decisions, with no way out of course.
So this is a reminder for future episodes: remember to tape the fusion core hole SHUT! Someone could come up and steal it, sell it for a few caps, and leave you to think about your wrong doings. Until next review everyone!