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The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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Top 10 fruit

Top 10 fruit

We all know and love fruits, so that’s why I named my top 10 fruits of all time.

10. Blueberry – Blueberries are good but when you eat too many of them they don’t taste as good and when you get a pack of them some of them are soft, hard, sweet or sour.

9. Orange – They are such an easy snack to pack and eat and they are so simple to eat. They are a great fruit for all of the seasons.

8. Kiwi – These are not as popular as the other fruit but it deserves to be number eight for the flavor it has.

7. Mango – Mangoes are amazing for a drink and flavoring for foods, but I’ve never had one plain.

6. Strawberry  – They are a classic fruit but when they are too cold I don’t like them because they are cold on my teeth.

5. Banana – Bananas aren’t as juicy as the other fruit on this list, but they are just as good as the others.

4. Pineapple – I like pineapples because they feel good when I eat them and I love the flavor.

3. Apple – Everybody has had an apple and everybody loves them and that’s why they are on this list.

2. Grapes – I like all grapes, but my favorite grapes are the ones that are a little hard and are juicy.

1. Watermelon – There is nothing wrong with watermelons; they are so good and so juicy and they are a perfect summer treat to have. 

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About the Contributor
Landon Deane
Landon Deane, Reporter
Landon Deane is a sophomore in high school and is working with Beaver Tales. This is his first year in the newspaper. Landon's favorite hobbies are playing sports and playing board games.