In times like these, cancel culture has been more prominent. Online, you may see celebrities who have said or done something wrong and are canceled for it. Cancel culture is wrong and should never exist.
I understand that there are just some terrible people who have done bad things, but those are not the people I am talking about. One slip up from anyone can lead their lives to be ruined. So many people are scared of speaking up or saying literally anything because they do not want to be canceled.
Cancel culture represents the idea that “You are good” or “You are bad.” However, humans are way more complicated than that. Some things that people say are taken way out of context or are supposed to be a joke. Some jokes can be offensive and should never be spoken, but in times like these, people need to take a joke. So many people are offended over little things that it just gets exhausting.
Speaking of exhausting, the negative effects of cancel culture really hurt people. Cancel culture can come with feelings of depression, anxiety, and social isolation. And another thing: blasting people on social media is also a terrible idea. I understand that the original statement of the person who is getting canceled is stuck on social media, but so is your comment.
Cancel culture goes against the First Amendment, which includes freedom of speech. This is America and it pains me to see people being mean to mean people. They are just hypocrites.
My point is that canceling culture is terrible. People need to take jokes and stop being so sensitive. If there is an actual problem, then it should stay within the people who are actually involved. Quit putting yourselves in the drama when it does not concern you. Cancel “cancel culture.”