The definition of global warming is when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. The effects that come with global warming are detrimental, and they concern the way we live our everyday lives. The rate of the land and ocean temperatures have risen by an average of .011 per decade. The main cause of global warming is the human race, and the burning of fossil fuels.
I believe that global warming is a real and progressing problem of this time. The weather is as indecisive as ever. We see in our everyday lives how this is altering the way we live. Some days it’s high 70s, and by the next day there will be snow covering the entire ground. Global warming also takes the sea levels into consideration. The sea levels have started to rise at extreme rates. It is predicted that we will lose countries from all over. The dangers of global warming are very prevalent and have bad ultimate endings.
Overall, there are many different paths we as the human population can take to better the world that we live in. We could take care of litter, be more conscious of when we use electricity, we can also focus on the use and need of vehicles, and finally we can work on the burning of fossil fuels. With all of these standards set in place, and the other possibilities and options we can slow down the process of global warming, and help save our planet.