“Champions” is a comedy sport movie directed by Bobby Farrelly. The movie is about a man named Markus, played by Woody Harrelson, who coached a college basketball team. He was drunk one night and got a DUI, so as his punishment he had to do community service. His assignment was to coach a special needs basketball team. He hates the idea, but shows up anyway. After a few days with the team, he starts to really care for all of the players, and leads the team to victory.
This movie was perfectly serious and comedic. The basketball team players did great at their roles, had likable personalities, and helped make the movie even funnier. The plot never got boring or confusing, which happens often in movies.
The movie is rated PG-13, which is valid due to the slight cursing. If you need a good, lighthearted laugh while watching interesting plot events unfold, then I definitely recommend this movie.
I would give the movie 3.5/5 stars.