Ms Jones
As the holiday season approaches, the race to see who is hosting Thanksgiving is up for grabs. Some are already determined by tradition, but others may be traveling or even hosting themselves. I went around Corry Area High School and asked students and faculty where they will be eating turkey, stuffing, and pie on this special cold November night.
Mrs. Frisina: In laws and parents locally
Angie Cressley: Hosting locally
Mrs. Thier: Parents/ Might go to Austin, Texas
Mrs. Smrcka: Her son Trevor dad’s side is hosting
Kendyl Scouten: North Carolina
Izzy Kellog: Cousins in Erie, PA
Sadie Carpin: Mom’s house locally
Jacob Sproveri: Grandmas locally
Mrs. Audet: Sisters in Lakewood, NY
Brooklyn Taylor: Hosting locally
Maddie Gustafson: Hosting locally
Sadie Dyne: Hosting locally
Kieran Graves: Aunt Val locally
Cooper Downey: Grandparents locally
Micaiah Pike: Rod and Gun Restaurant Chautauqua, NY
Dustin Rose: Aunt’s in Erie, PA
Ryan Webb: Hosting locally
Ms. Davies: Parents, Spring Creek, PA
Ms. Turk: Parents, Warren, PA
Hannah Roach: Hosting and Aunt and Uncle’s house
Isaac Morningstar: Working at Tim Horton’s
Aylssa Burlew: Hosting locally
Nick Lesher: Grandparents in Erie, PA
Tucker Jackson: Grandparents locally
Landon Hasbrouck: Hosting locally