“Student Spotlight? Again? Come on, give us something interesting already… ” -Your Brain.
Well, if you’re looking for something interesting, and you’re already here, why don’t you stay a little? Find out what really goes on in the minds of your fellow students and friends. Because this one shows how you see yourself is A LOT different from what others see you as.
Today, we are going to be talking about a girl that resides far, far away in a different galaxy, well maybe not that far, but I bet you’ve barely heard of her. Her name? Angel Straub’s her name and she’s the most rootin’ tootin’ person I’ve ever met in this school thus far. She likes talking like a Texan, and speaking of talking, she may or may not love her cats so much, she talks to them, too. Without things around her to be occupied by, she has picked up art, writing, and of course reading!
But these are just the beginning! Her aspirations for the future… uh, where are they?
Hmm, well let’s move on to… how she manages her school schedule and home schedule: She says that how she does it is with an even balance, she doesn’t spend too much time at home doing school stuff and doesn’t spend much time doing home stuff at school, pretty simple if you ask me.
This was just an overview of Angel Straub. Maybe if you see her around, say hi! Tell her what you’ve learned about her here today.