Last week there was a “murder” reported on the premises of Corry Area High School: the victim being history teacher Mr. Woods. This “murder” happened in room 38, Mr. Brewer’s classroom. The investigation is an assignment for the criminal justice class.
Mr. Brewer, the teacher of the criminal justice class was asked what was the purpose of this investigation and what were they supposed to learn.
Brewer stated, “The purpose of this class is to study crimes and do investigations. We start with movies, videos, playing games and watching crime investigations on TV. After that, we take what we’ve learned to real life skills. The point of this murder investigation is for them to learn how to solve a murder scene and have fun with it. I create a story line and put together a murder scene for them.”
Gabe Scouten, a 12th grade student in the Criminal Justice class was asked if he is enjoying the experience of this class and what his favorite part of the investigation is. He said, “Yes I’m enjoying the experience. My favorite part is working together and finding clues.”
Ted Mickel, also a senior in the Criminal Justice class answered the same question. He said, “I’m loving it a lot. My favorite part of the investigation is going to interview people about the murder.”