Business Week steals juniors

The juniors have been missing from all their classes for a reason

Business Week steals juniors

Alivia Burger, Reporter

Hooray! The juniors are gone! But this, unfortunately, does not last long.

Many people have been confused as to why their classes have been moved, or why they have had extra people in their typical classrooms. The reasoning for all of this is business week! This is a week where all the juniors are divided into separate groups or “businesses” in order to make the best product on the field. These products change every year, but this year it is lunchboxes, binoculars, and water bottles. Three groups work to develop the next revolutionary versions of the same products. They have to remain on top of all of the other competitors and work out the finances, advertising, and discuss the statistics behind their business to judges in addition to creating commercials, products, banners, flags, billboards, and different posters. They have limited supplies in order to accomplish this, making it all the more difficult.

Why do the underclassmen need to know about this? Well, in a few years, depending on the grade, the underclassmen will have to go through the same process. In addition to this, the trade show is coming up on Thursday, February 9. Not only is it helpful for the current juniors if you show up, it can help you learn more about what you will have to do when it comes to the next business week. On top of this, it will help students understand that certain things will change for them when business week is mentioned. When this time of the year comes around, lunches, classes, and even classwork, will be different.

Business week is an excellent way to broaden your horizons and provide insight on what you would want to do in the future. It introduces you to classmates you typically would not hang out with and most importantly, gets you out of classes, which is what most students want to hear. For some, though, classes are less stressful, so it is very important to be prepared for business week!